
Writer Resources


Things for you!


If you are thinking of writing or you already write, I’ve got some resources you might like. Some of these are for children’s writing, and some are well known, adult market freelance sites if you write in that arena as well.

I’ve used all of these resources over and over and have even taken classes from Children’s Book Insider and Institute for Writers. (Institute for Writers offers an adult novel writing course, too.) Some of these sites offer yearly subscriptions, as well. I hope they are helpful. Enjoy!

(P.S. I will update this page as I find new things.)

Children’s Writing Sites/Marketing Sites:

Children’s Book Insider

Institute for Writers


Good Story Company

Debbie Emmitt–YA author and Editor

Sandra Beckwith

Build Book Buzz

Adult Freelance Writing Sites:

Jane Friedman

Make a Living Writing

The Write Life

WOW Women On Writing

Elna Cain–Freelance Writer


On Writing by Stephen King

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

Anatomy of Nonfiction by Margery Facklam and Peggy Thomas